Could You Give 0.2% More Time to Your Faith?

“I don’t have the time.” That’s what men usually say when I ask them if they’ve considered joining the Knights of Columbus.

There are a lot of demands on your time, especially if you are a working man with a family. I should know, because I am and I do.

I said the same thing when I first thought about joining the Knights. But I realized that I had more time than I thought I did, and the Knights don’t ask for a whole lot.

How you can make a difference in only 24 hours per year

  • ​12 hours per year reading the parish bulletin, newsletters, Columbia magazine, and the council website
  • 2 hours per year volunteering at the council’s annual drive for people with intellectual disabilities
  • 2 hours per year attending, along with your family, two group masses, rosaries, or prayer groups
  • 2 hours per year on a council-sponsored Church, community, council family or youth project of your choosing.
  • 2 hours per year attending one council meeting.
  • 4 hours per year enjoying a council social function such as a dinner, picnic or Euchre night. (Your family is invited as well).

24 hours per year is only 0.2% of your time. For perspective, the average American spends 21% of their year watching TV.

Giving a fraction of your time to the Knights will help you become a better Catholic, better husband and better father.

Consider being a 24-hour Knight of Columbus. Contact us to learn more and join.

Will Eifert
Will Eifert is the Deputy Grand Knight of Immaculate Council 8274, St. Edward on the Lake. He also serves as the council's membership director. Will lives in Port Huron. He is married to Crystal Eifert, and they have two children, Harper and Charlie. He works as a digital marketing specialist.

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